政策 & 报告

The Department of 公共安全 is operational 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 除了全职保安人员, the Department utilizes work-study students to assist in parking enforcement and during special events on campus. Mount Mercy operates an administrator-on-duty call system to ensure that administrative support and decision-making capacity is always available. 所有公共安全人员都接受过心肺复苏术/急救/AED培训, 应急响应, 疏散程序, 人际交往能力.


The determination to close the university will be made based on the severity of the weather, 地区道路状况, 校园环境. The university does not expect students or personnel to put themselves at undue risk. 在公路上行驶请小心.

  • 当校园关闭的时候, classes are cancelled or remote and only essential personnel should report to work.
  • 如果课程没有取消, individual 教师 must notify the Provost during regular business hours to request a class cancellation due to inclement weather. 
  • Faculty with campus commitments who are unable to be at work due to inclement weather are responsible for contacting appropriate colleagues and students.
  • Staff members who are unable to report to work due to inclement weather must consult with their supervisors.

The decision to close the campus all day due to inclement weather will be made either the evening before or by 6 AM the morning of. 

If it appears that inclement weather and road conditions will improve during the day, 可能会宣布推迟开赛. 上午的课程可能是远程的, or the first classes of the day will be those immediately following the delayed start time. Classes before or midway through the announced start time will not be held. 检查 Brightspace 查看特定的班级信息. 

If weather conditions deteriorate during the day, a decision may be made to close midday. Should the campus close midday, the same procedures for notification apply. 除了, members of the President’s Cabinet are responsible for communicating the message to their respective departments in a timely manner.

如果天气状况在下午晚些时候恶化, 对教职员工和学生构成威胁, the institution will make a decision to cancel classes by 3 PM. Individual 教师 may request to cancel their evening class even if the institution is open, by contacting either the Provost's Office or the Adult-研究生 office (whichever is applicable for the class) by 3 PM. Instructors should notify their students and make arrangements to make up the class. If the weather deteriorates once evening classes have begun, 个别教员应提早下课. 


The President or Provost's Office will immediately notify the 公共安全 and Marketing & 与天气有关的关闭或延迟的通讯. 公共安全 will activate the weather notification system, and Marketing & Communications will share the announcement with the resources listed below.

学生, 教师, and staff should consult the following in the expected event of a weather delay or cancellation:

  • 慈悲山主页,显示天气警报
  • Mount Mercy student, 教师, and staff email accounts (sent via Rave Alert)
  • Brightspace
  • Switchboard: dial “0” if on campus; dial 319-363-8213 or 319-363-1323 if off campus 

Other resources that will be notified of a closing include:

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KCCK 88.3 FM
KMRY 93.1 FM
KRNA 94.1 FM
KHAK 98.1 FM
知道101年.9 FM
KZIA 102.9 FM
KDAT 104.5 FM
KRQN 107.1 FM


  1. 报告所有可疑人员.
  2. 举报所有偷窃行为. 
  3. 与周围环境保持协调.
  4. 在光线充足、行人多的地方散步或旅行. If you think someone is following you, abruptly switch directions or cross the street. If you're still being followed, go to a public place and ask for help. 
  5. 拿好你的钱包, 背包, 公文包, 手机, portable computer and any other valuable property in your possession at all times. 不要休息,不要把他们抛在身后.
  6. 如果你接到骚扰电话,立即挂断. Don't try to find out who the caller is and don't show any reaction. 
  7. 了解你的邻居,并确保他们认识你. 确保室友或朋友知道你的日常生活. Tell someone if you are going to be late or are out of town. 
  8. 如发现灯坏了,通知校园保安, 人行道附近杂草丛生的灌木丛, 电话坏了,门锁坏了.
  9. Label your books, notebooks and personal property with your name. 
  10. 不要为陌生人打开校园大楼的门. 
  11. 美慈山学生, 教师 and staff should always have their University ID in their possession and present the ID when requested by Campus Security.

  1. 锁好所有的门,即使你只离开很短的时间.
  2. 睡觉前一定要锁好门. 
  3. 不要用道具打开任何上锁的宿舍门.
  4. 不要在门上留便条说你不在家.
  5. Do not loan your keys to anyone, or leave your keys unattended.
  6. 没有在钥匙扣上写上您的姓名和/或房间号码吗.
  7. There are phones at the entrances to the residence halls that can be utilized in emergencies. There is also a blue light emergency phone located in all Mount Mercy parking lots. 

  1. Be sure doors are locked whenever you leave an unattended office or lab. 
  2. Never leave doors propped open or leave keys in an unlocked cabinet or desk drawer. 
  3. It is not advisable to tape extra keys under desk drawers or in file cabinets. 
  4. 当你离开办公室或实验室开始一天的工作, 确保所有窗户都关好并锁好, all valuables and confidential materials are locked up and all desks, 文件和门都锁上了.

  1. 当你接近你的车时,准备好钥匙了吗. 
  2. 检查 before you get in your vehicle to make sure no one is hiding beneath or inside the vehicle.
  3. 当你停车时,选择一个光线充足的指定停车区域. 
  4. If you carry valuables in your car, keep them out of sight in the trunk.
  5. 永远锁好你的车.
  6. There is a blue light emergency phone located in all Mount Mercy parking lots for emergencies.

任何人都可能成为性侵犯或强奸的受害者, 不论年龄大小, 性, 比赛, 服装的地位或类型. 请记住这些建议:

  1. 约会时要保持警惕. 
  2. 相信你的直觉或“直觉”." 
  3. 当你邀请别人进入你的住所时要小心.

The United States Department of 首页land Security defines an active shooter as "an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area; in most cases, active shooters use firearms(s) and there is no pattern or method to their selection of victims."

  1. 运行
    1. Know your surroundings – have escape route and plan in mind
    2. 马上跑——把你的东西留下
  2. 隐藏
    1. If you can’t escape, hide in an area out of the assailant’s view
    2. 锁上门或堵住你藏身之处的入口
  3. 战斗
    1. 战斗 as a last resort and only when your life is in imminent danger
    2. 使用你周围的物品作为武器来战斗
    3. 试图使攻击者丧失行动能力
